Step by Step

We make the process simple and convenient so you can focus on your business. We start by bringing together the best and brightest minds to design the best system using the best equipment and latest technologies including solar, LED, battery and cogeneration. When it is all said and done you can just sit back and reap the financial rewards of going green.

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    The planning phase is where we learn from you what your needs and objectives are for the near term and future. One of the most important steps of this process is to gather your last 12 months utility bills so we can calcluate your usage and demand consumption. We use this data to calclulate system size and cost savings. We also probe to evaluate your tax appetite to advantage of the 30% tax credit.

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    In the development stage we analyze your usage data and design the most optimal system size, technology, and financing option for savings, efficiency and production to meet your needs. Some times the most optimal design is a combination of technologies such as LED, solar and battery. At this stage we also calculate projected savings based on your specific fact pattern which includes your rate regime before and after solar. We then prepare a proposal summarizing system, size, cost, financing and savings for you to evaluate and determine if you want to proceed.

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    After the development stage, if you decide to proceed we sign a purchase contract. We then do a sight survey and develop engineering designs of the system. These desings allow us to provide you with more accurate system production and savings estimates. If there are no material changes and you approve the designs, we schedule the installation. After installation we wait for city approval and then for permission to operate (PTO). The last step is to wait for the utility to interconnect. The process can take 45 to 60 days for residential projects and longer for commercial, depending on the system size and city backlog.

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    Save Money

    In the last stage you sit back and reap the rewards of saving money by going green knowing you have also done your part to save the environment for future generations. We provide a monitoring system and there are warranties to protect you if anything goes wrong.